Chinese National TableTennis TrainingCenter (  ) is located in Shijiazhuangzhengding near the Capital city of China-Beijing.

CNTTTC is probablythe greatest table tennis training centers in China.we are the group ofenergetic and passionate people for the sport of Table Tennis. Chinese National Table Tennis Training Center is established incatering for those who are extremely eager and desirous of high standard of playingon Table Tennis Sport by provision of excellent facilities & equipment;professional coaching & high companion playing with 4-star hospitality.

I would believe that through professional training here can makeyour ping pong total different, very particularly comparing to the very amateurcoaches in your town. I would highlyrecommend this center especially for table tennis players who are looking toimprove a lot. All Chinese national table tennis players will be intensivetrained here before they go out for international competition. So the center isregarded as the cradle of world champion on table tennis. At the same time. Westill offer professional training for player from other foreign countries.Every summer and winter holiday we will hold the international table tennistraining camps. If you want to get more information about the training center.Please feel free to visit our site. Or email us at [email protected]

Best regards.